Map of Andalucia

Map of Andalucia

Situation of Malaga on the map of Andalucia

Andalucia Map

Andalucia is the most populous and the second largest in area of the autonomous communities in Spain.

It is made of the provinces of: Almeria, Cadiz, Cordoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaen, Malaga and Sevilla.

Malaga is a popular destination for tourists especially in the coastal areas of the province.

You will find out more information on this region of Spain in our travel guide.

To explore the nearby cities we recommend you fly to Costa del Sol airport and hire a car from the airport.

The capital of Malaga is marked with an orange circle in the above map of Andalucia.

See a map of the Costa del Sol here

Do you need a car for your holidays in Malaga?

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